Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase II
Marcy Holmes |
Strategy | Plan Funds | Plan Total | Additional NRP Funds | NRP Total | - |
Citation | Strategy Name | Early Access | Action Plan | Phase I Rollover | Reserve Funds | Program Income | Plan Funds for Housing | Mod #s Affecting Strategy |
1.1.A.1 |
Owner-occupied Housing Improvements |
| $169,761.69
| $169,761.69
| $57,466.55
| $81,412.02
| $308,640.26
| $169,761.69
| 2,3,4,6,8,9,11,12,13,14,17,18,19 |
1.1.A.2 |
Rental Housing Improvements |
| $37,071.65
| $37,071.65
| $37,071.65
| $37,071.65
| 2,15,17 |
1.1.A.3 |
Renters' Assistance |
| |
1.1.A.4 |
Supplemental Exterior Inspections |
| 2,15 |
1.1.B.5 |
Historic Preservation Planning Assistance |
| $4,500.00
| $4,500.00
| $4,500.00
| $4,500.00
| 2,10,15,17 |
1.1.C.6 |
Rental to Ownership Conversion Incentives |
| $49,000.00
| $49,000.00
| $49,000.00
| $49,000.00
| 15 |
1.1.C.7 |
Faculty/Staff/Senior Housing Developer Incentives |
| $15,080.00
| $15,080.00
| $15,080.00
| $15,080.00
| 2 |
1.1.C.8 |
Professional Planning and Marketing |
| $20,000.00
| $20,000.00
| $10,849.61
| $5,000.00
| $35,849.61
| $20,000.00
| 5,6 |
1.1.D.9 |
Grant Writing Consultant |
| $9,000.00
| $9,000.00
| $9,000.00
| $6,750.00
| |
2.1.A.1 |
Commercial Property Improvement Assistance |
| $4,300.00
| $4,300.00
| $4,300.00
| 9 |
2.1.B.2 |
Tree Replacements |
| $13,000.00
| $13,000.00
| $13,000.00
| |
2.1.B.3 |
Dutch Elm Disease Prevention |
| $1,300.00
| $1,300.00
| 1,7 |
2.1.C.4 |
Historical Avenue Names |
| |
2.1.D.5 |
River Gorge Trail Rehabilitation |
| |
2.1.E.6 |
Holmes Park Pool Fence |
| |
3.1.A.1 |
Marcy School Improvements |
| $11,867.67
| $11,867.67
| $11,867.67
| 9 |
3.1.A.2 |
Southeast Library Handicapped Accessibility |
| 2,9 |
3.1.A.3 |
Bookmobile / Library Outreach Expansion |
| |
3.1.A.4 |
Second Foundation School Improvements |
| |
3.1.A.5 |
Heart of the Earth School Improvements |
| |
3.1.B.6 |
Soap Factory Development Study |
| $5,000.00
| $5,000.00
| $5,000.00
| |
3.1.C.7 |
Southeast Seniors |
| $11,000.00
| $11,000.00
| $11,000.00
| |
4.1.A.1 |
Addtional Police Patrols / COPSIRF |
| $11,235.90
| $11,235.90
| 2,10,15 |
4.1.A.2 |
Student-Resident Liaison |
| 2 |
4.1.A.3 |
Livability and Property Violations Documentation |
| |
4.1.B.4 |
Thermal Imaging Equipment |
| $10,000.00
| $10,000.00
| $10,000.00
| |
4.1.B.5 |
Pedestrian Lighting 2 |
| $5,000.00
| $5,000.00
| $5,000.00
| 2 |
4.1.B.6 |
Stoplight at 6th and University |
| |
4.1.B.10 |
Security Rebate Program (P2) |
| $24,950.00
| $24,950.00
| 18 |
4.1.C.7 |
Litter Prevention |
| $10,069.01
| $10,069.01
| 2,16,17,19 |
4.1.C.8 |
Pollution Profile Update |
| |
4.1.C.9 |
Lead Phytoremediation |
| |
Staff Coordinator |
| $208,748.11
| $208,748.11
| $30,376.34
| $10,000.00
| $249,124.45
| $156,561.08
| 1,3,4,17 |
DOLLARS ROLLED OVER TO PHASE 3 | | | $110,618.88
| | | $37,526.58
| $148,145.46
| $67,500.00
| |
| $573,329.12
| $683,948.00
| $99,992.50
| $11,235.90
| $168,957.61
| $964,134.01
| $526,224.42
| |
Phase II Plan Allocation Available in First Three Years (80%) | $573,329.12
Phase II Plan Allocation Percentage for Housing | 77% |
Phase II Affordable Housing Reserve Fund $ |
Phase II Community-Oriented Public Safety Initiatives Reserve Fund $ | $11,235.90
** On March 22, 2004, the NRP Policy Board adopted a policy that requires each neighborhood to limit its Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan obligations to no more than 80% of their neighborhood allocation during the first three years following approval of its Action Plan. |
No. | Plan Step Modified | Approved | Description |
1 | Full Action Plan | 04/16/07 | The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $27,141.57 ($10,941.57 in 1995; $4,800 in 1997; $2,200 in 1998; and $9,200 in 1999) to Phase II strategy, Staff Coordinator
(Phase II Plan, Administration) from the following strategies: (1) $10,461.69 in 1995 from Trees (Environment A.2.); (2) $4,800 in 1997 from Reduce Lead, Radon, Etc. (Environment A.8.); (3) $479.88 in 1995 from
Storm Sewer Runoff Reduction (Environment A.9.); (4) $2,200 in 1998 from Park Improvements (Environment C.1.); and (5) $9,200 in 1999 from Linkage with Riverfront (Environment C.2.). (This is Phase I Plan
Modification #28 and Phase II Plan Modification #1.)
2 | Full Action Plan | 02/11/08 | The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate Phase I funds totalling of $43,266.55 to
Phase II strategy, Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #29 and Phase II Plan
Modification #2.) Additionally, the modification reallocates a total of $106,733.45 to Owner-occupied Housing Improvements
(Housing 1.A.1.) from the following Phase II strategies: (1) $11,000 from Supplemental Exterior Inspections (Housing 1.A.4.);
(2) $21,500 from Historic Preservation Planning Assistance (Housing 1.B.5.); (3) $39,920 from Faculty/Staff/Senior Housing Developer
Incentives (Housing 1.C.7.); (4) $1,313.45 from Southeast Library Handicapped Accessibility (Social and Cultural Environment 1.A.2.);
(5) $10,000 from Additional Police Patrols (Livability 1.A.1.); (6) $8,000 from Student-Resident Liaison (Livability 1.A.2.); (7) $7,000
from Pedestrian Lighting (Livability 1.B.5.); and (8) $8,000 from Litter Prevention (Livability 1.C.7.). The modification also revises the
wording of Rental Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.2.) to expand the eligible use of funds to both owner- and renter-occupied housing.
3 | Full Action Plan | 02/18/10 | The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate Phase I funds totalling of $17,200 to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $14,200 to Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.); and (2) $3,000 to Staff Coordinator (Administration). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #30 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.) |
4 | Full Action Plan | 10/29/10 | The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $10,000 in Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.) to Staff Coordinator (Administration). |
5 | Full Action Plan | 04/07/14 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $10,849.61 of Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Professional Planning and Marketing (Housing 1.C.8.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #32 and Phase II Plan Modification #5.) |
6 | Full Action Plan | 04/07/14 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $5,000 of Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.) to Professional Planning and Marketing (Housing 1.C.8.). |
7 | Full Action Plan | 03/24/15 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $1,300 in Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Dutch Elm Disease Replacement (Economic and Public Realm 1.B.3.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #33 and Phase II Plan Modification #7.) |
8 | Full Action Plan | 02/15/17 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $234.77 in 1998 from SE Learning Council/Library Support (Environment C.4.) to Phase II strategy, Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Phase II Plan, Housing 1.A.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #34 and Phase II Plan Modification #8.) |
9 | Full Action Plan | 03/12/18 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $19,200 from the following: (1) $13,681.12 in Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.); (2) $700 from Commercial Property Improvement Assistance (Economic and Public Realm 1.A.1.); (3) $132.33 from Marcy School Improvements (Social and Cultural Environment 1.A.1.); and (4) $4,686.55 from Southeast Library Handicapped Accessibility (Social and Cultural Realm 1.A.2.). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase III strategies: (1) $2,200 in Program Income to Emerald Ash Borer (Neighborhood Priorities 2.1.3.); and (2) $17,000 ($5,518.88 of Action Plan funds and $11,481.12 of Program Income) to Parking Issues (Neighborhood Priorities 2.1.3). Approval of the modification is retroactive to March 2, 2018. (This is Phase II Plan Modification #9 and Phase III Plan Modification #3.) |
10 | Full Action Plan | 10/26/18 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $6,100 from the following strategies: from Historic Preservation Planning Assistance (Housing 1.B.5.); and (2) $3,600 from Additional Police Patrols (Livability 1.A.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase III strategies: (1) $2,500 to Inclusive Financing Feasibility Study (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.3.); and (2) $3,600 to Eastside Litter Container Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.4.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #10 and Phase III Plan Modification #5.)
11 | Full Action Plan | 11/04/19 | The NCR Director approved a modification to reallocate $3,000 in Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.) to Creative Placemaking Micro-granting Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.1.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #11 and Phase III Plan Modification #7.)
12 | Full Action Plan | 02/24/20 | The NCR Director approved a modification to reallocate $5,000 in Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.) to Census 2020 Outreach (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 6.1.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #12 and Phase III Plan Modification #8.)
13 | Full Action Plan | 07/08/20 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $6,614.47 in Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.) to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $4,000 in Program Income to Emerald Ash Borer (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 1.1.); and (2) $2,614.47 to Neighborhoods Respond to COVID-19 (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 7.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #13 and Phase III Plan Modification #9.) |
14 | Full Action Plan | 09/22/20 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $14,300 in Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.) to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $5,000 in Program Income to Road Map for the Future of Greater Dinkytown (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.2.); (2) $5,300 to Elwell Park Signage/Kiosk (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.3.); and (3) $4,000 to Eastside Litter Container Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.4.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #14 and Phase III Plan Modification #10.)
15 | Full Action Plan | 11/06/20 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $99,000 from the following strategies: (1) $17,100 from Rental Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.2.); (2) $12,000 from Supplemental Exterior Inspections (Housing 1.A.4.); (3) $13,500 from Historic Preservation Planning Assistance (Housing 1.B.5.); (4) $49,000 from Rental to Ownership Conversion Incentives (Housing 1.C.6.); and (5) $7,400 from Additional Police Patrols (Livability 1.A.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $25,000 to Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Safety Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 8.1.); (2) $10,000 to Environmental and Greening Programming (Phase III Activities Neighborhood Priorities 8.2.); (3) $10,000 to Community Engagement (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 8.3.); and (4) $54,000 to Staffing/ Additional Program Implementation (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 8.4.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #15 and Phase III Plan Modification #11.) |
16 | Full Action Plan | 02/07/22 | The Interim NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $1,288.16 in Program Income to Litter Prevention (Livability 1.C.7.) from the following Phase III Neighborhood Priorities: (1) $888.16 in Program Income from Census 2020 Outreach (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 6.1.); and (2) $400 from Neighborhoods Respond to COVID -19 (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 7.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #16 and Phase III Plan Modification #13.)
17 | Full Action Plan | 11/17/22 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $234.77 of Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Staff Coordinator (Administration). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #39 and Phase II Plan Modification #17.) The modification also reallocates a total of $3,780.85 in Program Income to Litter Prevention (Livability 1.C.7.) from the following Phase III Neighborhood Priorities: (1) $2,791.91 in Program Income from Emerald Ash Borer (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 1.1.); (2) $150 in Program Income from Creative Placemaking Micro- granting Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.1.); and (3) $838.94 from Neighborhoods Respond to COVID -19 (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 7.). (This is Phase II Plan Modification #17 and Phase III Plan Modification #14.) The modification also reallocates a total of $66,800.11 to Staff Coordinator (Administration) from the following Phase II strategies: (1) $35,971.76 from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.); (2) $20,828.35 from Rental Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.2.); and (3) $10,000 from Historic Preservation Planning Assistance (Housing 1.A.4.). |
18 | Full Action Plan | 12/02/22 | The NCR Director approved a modification to reallocate $24,950 in Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.) to a new strategy, Security Rebate Program (Livability 1.B.10.).
19 | Full Action Plan | 12/03/24 | The NCR Director approved a modification to reallocate $5,000 in Program Income from Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.) to Litter Prevention (Livability 1.C.7.).